Jeca founder, Ree Dolnick, was recently published in business magazine, The HR Gazette. Read a snippet from the post below then check out the full article here.


It is vital that your employees are happy, healthy and focused. Providing the right snacks can fuel your colleagues with the best nutrients and minerals to achieve and succeed.

Healthy snacks at office

Here are 10 super-healthy vegan-friendly office snack options.

1. Flavored Nuts

When you’re feeling a little sluggish or low on energy in the office consider snacking on options such as Joe’s thai chili lime cashews or sesame cashews for more energy than chips would give you. The great benefit of flavored nuts is that you can mix them into your other office snacks like oatmeal, popcorn, or on a tasty salad.

2. Kale or Lettuce

Got an office fridge? Why not consider buying a bag of lettuce and veggies to keep you fueled through the working week? Healthy, delicious and cost-effective. Yum!